Source: History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan:
containing a full account of its early settlement, its
growth, development, and resources, an extended description
of its iron and copper mines : also, accurate sketches of
its counties, cities, towns, and villages ... biographical
sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers.
Publication Info: Chicago : Western Historical Co., 1883.
During the exciting times in the early rush to secure
rich mines, permits were taken out by the hundreds, and
nearly everything supposed to be within the limits of the
copper-bearing belt was secured, and explorations, ofttimes
of entirely impracticable nature, were indifferently
conducted all along the line from the extreme end of
Keweenaw Point across the county, and extending on through a
large portion of Houghton and Ontonagon Counties. Some of
these locations are being worked today, but by far the
largest number of them have been abandoned by the old
companies or sold to other parties, who are holding them for
further operations or for speculative purposes.
The entire list of copper mines worked in the mineral
land district of Lake Superior in 1850 comprised a total of
nineteen. Today, in Keweenaw County alone, there are now
working nine mines, and three more are preparing to start
into active operations.
The mines in the copper region on which work was being
done in 1850 were the Cliff (Pittsburgh and Boston); North
America, afterward purchased by the Cliff Company in 1860;
the Minnesota; the Northwest, afterward, in 1861,
reorganized into a new company, known as the Pennsylvania
Mining Company of Michigan; the Copper Falls, the
Northwestern, the Phoenix (Lake Superior), Lac La Belle, the
Bohemian, the Quincy, the Forest, the Forsyth, the Albion,
the Ohio Trap, the Adventurer, the Douglas Houghton,
afterward known as the Henwood; the Pittsburgh and Isle
Royal, the Siskawit and the Ohio and Isle Royal. The mines
at present worked in Keweenaw County, commencing at the
northerly end, are the Conglomerate, the Central, the Copper
Falls, the Ash Bed, the St. Clair, the Phoenix, the Cliff,
the Ahmeek and the Allouez. Two men are working at the
Madison, and explorations are being made on the North Cliff
with the view of opening up the property.
The Allouez Mining Company
was originally organized in 1859, but for the first ten
years did little except exploring work. In 1869, they
decided to begin work on the conglomerate belt immediately
underlying the greenstone, since known as the Allouez
conglomerate. It extends the entire length of the trap range
in Keweenaw County, and in some places, as at Delaware, is
shown to be extremely rich in copper. From a different
action of the catalytic forces operating in different parts
of the structure, or a difference in the supply of
cupriferous matter, there are found intervening spaces of
barren rock alternating with those rich in copper. This vein
differs in width from ten to thirty feet.
In 1869, No. 1 Shaft was sunk, No. 2 commenced, a drift
extended, and a winze sunk. A temporary suspension followed,
when in 1870, work was resumed, and in 1871, pushed forward
on an extensive scale, and continued up to 1877. During this
time, under the charge of Capt. A. P. Thomas, as agent,
three shafts were sunk, the deepest 750 feet; the levels had
been extended to the united length of 1,600 feet, houses for
a working force of 400 men erected, together with agent's
house, office, store, warehouse, shops, rock-house,
stamp-mill and railroad.
The company had become involved, its capital stock was
exhausted, and in September, 1877, the company suspended
work and leased the property to Messrs. Watson & Walls on
tribute, the company to have one-eighth of the product,
clear of expense.
In September, 1880, the lease expired. A new company was
organized, with a capital stock of $2,000,000; an assessment
of $1 per share was made, and the company again commenced
operations, with Mr. Fred Smith as agent.
The estate comprises 2,735 acres of land, mostly in
Allouez Township. The stamp-mill is located two and
one-fourth miles from the mine, at a point where they can
get plenty of water from two streams—Hill's Creek and
Gratiot Creek—and is connected with the mine by a railroad,
four-foot gauge, operated by a locomotive.
The stamp-mill is provided with two fifteen-inch cylinder
Ball's stamps, and forty-five Cullom washers.
At the time Mr. Smith took the work in hand, after the
expiration of the tributer's lease, much needed work of
repairs had necessarily to be done to get things in working
order. Besides these repairs, many improvements have been
made, both above and below ground. A new stone building for
a compressor-house has been erected, a 16½x30 inch Rand
compressor put in, equal in capacity to twelve No. 3 Rand
They are sinking to the fourteenth level, over 1,200
feet, on the main shaft, and putting down No. 3 to connect
the fifth level with the tenth level.
The rock-house is connected with the shafts by an
automatic elevated railway, by which the rock is run into
the top and delivered to the Blake crushers, six in number,
to be broken up and dropped into the bins, from which it is
loaded into the cars to be taken to the stamp-mill.
During 1881, there was added to the construction account
$63,336.71. A large expenditure had also been made in
opening the mine ahead while furnishing ground for present
stoping. An assessment was made July 8, 1881, calling in
$80,000, which left on December 31, 1881, a net surplus of
$87,120.74 in the treasury.
The product of ingot copper for five and one-half years
from and including 1877, has been as follows: In 1877, it
was 2,026,729 pounds; in 1878, 827 tons 25 pounds; in 1879,
735 tons 1,611 pounds; in 1880, 685 tons 1,088 pounds; in
1881, 1,204,224 pounds; and for the first six months of
1882, 286 tons of copper had been produced.
The metal is taken to Calumet and shipped by the Mineral
Range Railroad to Hancock, where it is refined and cast into
Office, No. 29 Drexel Building, 25 Wall street, New York.
Emerson Coleman, President; William C. Stewart, Secretary
and Treasurer; Fred Smith, Agent.
The Albion Manhattan Mining Company
commenced operations in 1848, working on two locations. Only
a small amount of copper was taken out up to 1857, perhaps
five tons, when work was suspended till 1862. The location
was afterward abandoned. Some ruins now mark the location.
The Arnold, owned in Boston,
is situated on the west of the Petherick, and comprises
1,200 acres of land crossed by the ash-bed formation. It was
reorganized in the winter of 1879-80, but no active work has
yet been done on the location.
The Atlas Mining Company was
organized November 24, 1863, with a capital stock of
$500,000. It is located between the Cliff and Phoenix,
holding an estate of 280 acres. L. W. Clark, of Boston, was
Secretary and Treasurer.
In 1849, D. D. Brockway bought over 1,700 shares, and was
elected President, removing the office to Phoenix.
After a shaft had been sunk fifty feet and some drifting
done, work was suspended for want of capital, and has not
again been resumed.
D. D. Brockway is now the principal owner, President and
resident agent.
The Ahmuk (sic Ahmeek), as we
have seen, was formed out of a part of the old Seneca
property, and from being located in damp grounds, is given
the Indian name for the beaver—ahmuk. They are operating two
shafts, the north shaft being down 430 feet, with a drift
east of the conglomerate—which is '70 feet thick—of 186
feet, and west of 183 feet. They have made a cross cut of
the conglomerate to the hanging wall 74 feet, and drifted on
the vein about 1,000 feet. They expect to cut the Calumet
conglomerate vein in about 1,000 feet to the northwest, and
about 1,100 feet southeast to tap the Wolverine vein. The
mine has been sunk to the fourth level. They are working
twenty-six men. Capt. John Daniels, Agent; John M. Richards,
Mining Captain.
The Amygdaloid Mining Company
was organized in July, 1860, with a capital stock of
$500,000. The owners were mostly Philadelphia men. Mining
was begun on the southeast quarter of Section 16, Town 58,
Range 30, and prosecuted on an extensive scale. An expensive
mining plant was put in, a stamp house with thirty-two heads
Gates' stamps, and a large number of miners' houses erected.
Three fissure veins were worked, but the main mine, which
was called the Drexel, was south of the Greenstone. Up to
the close of 1862, the company had received from the sales
of copper the sum of $44,458.88, and from the sales of
silver $558.50. During that year, an inclined railroad was
built from the mine to the stamps, a distance of 1,600 feet.
A rock house, with six rock breakers, a drum house and
seventeen log tenements were erected, a powerful engine, and
winding and pumping gear were put in. The yield of mineral
for 1862 was 190,514 pounds, yielding 72½ per cent ingot.
During a period of dry weather the following June, the
surface improvements were nearly all destroyed by
fire—including saw-mill, stamp-mill, tenements and change
house. The fire originated in the woods and had been running
for several days, when a strong gale of wind arose, and,
blowing in the direction of the settlement, soon obliterated
Notwithstanding this serious set back, the energetic
agent, Mr. A. C. Davis, set to work with so much vigor that
by November of that same year he had forty-one tenements
built. The saw-mill had been rebuilt, and furnished the
lumber and shingles. An agent's house, smith shop, change
house, barn and office had also been built. A new stamp-mill
building and boiler house, both of stone, were completed,
and the stamps got in in June, 1863.
The destruction of the stamp-mill, and the necessity of
devoting the labor of most of the hands to making the needed
repairs, necessarily crippled the mining operations. One
hundred and nine thousand five hundred and ninety pounds of
mineral were shipped that year. Purchases of additional
lands were made, making the estate 1,760 acres.
In 1864, the new stamp-mill, which it was supposed was
built so strong as to bid defiance to the elements, was
abruptly stopped by the explosion of both boilers, said to
have been caused by the engineers mixing too much whisky
with the water used. The mine at the time was reported as
presenting the most excellent prospects for a future yield.
In 1864, the stamp-mill was completed, 3,000 feet of
railing laid on trestle work, rock crushers put in, and some
dwellings, shops, barns and roads built. On account of the
scarcity of workmen, some hands were imported from Canada,
but the men ran away as soon as they arrived to avoid paying
their fares and their board, leaving the company short some
hundreds of dollars on that experiment. The yield this year
was 135,795 pounds of refined copper; for 1865, it was
418,964 pounds. In 1866, the product decreased and the
company shut down.
For the next four years it was worked on tribute,
yielding from sixteen and a half tons to eighty tons a year.
In 1872, a final assessment of $10,000, exhausting the
capital stock, was made, and a feeble attempt made for two
years to work the mine. But a small amount of copper was
obtained. In 1878, 1,259 pounds of copper were taken out on
tribute, since which time no copper has been mined. It is
another deserted village, and presents a striking contrast
to the active, busy, energetic work now going forward on
the conglomerate mine which adjoins it on the east.
In these chapters the vicissitudes of mining operations
are well illustrated, and the kaleidoscopic changes produced
from unforeseen causes which operate to prevent anticipated
expectations from being realized, is also, to some extent,
brought into view. In the future, much of this wasteful
expenditure of time and money that has heretofore been to a
great degree thrown away, will be prevented by proper
explorations with the diamond drills or some equally useful
appliance, and before hundreds of thousands of dollars will
be uselessly squandered in barren explorations, by sinking
pits, shafts, adits, levels and cross-cuts, the history of
the deposits will be written on the drill-cores, extracted
at a nominal expense and revealing the structure in its
The prospector, without this adjunct to actual knowledge,
is only knocking at the outer door of Nature's great
treasure house, while the hordes of stored mineral treasure
lie buried deep in her secret vaults, awaiting the searching
operations of the drill to reveal their hidden location.
We look for these means in the future to correct the
mistakes of early operators, and place them on the road to
successful mining on many locations heretofore abandoned as
The Ash Bed Mining Company,
formerly the Petherick, was organized in 1861 by the Copper
Falls Company.
That company having more territory than they could
profitably work, their agent, Capt. Petherick, suggested
that a new company be created to work the Hill Mine and the
Copper Falls Mine, while the Copper Falls Company could
operate the veins farther east. Accordingly, a company was
organized, and the western part of the Copper Falls location
was purchased by them for $30,000, and mining work continued
as it had formerly been done under Capt. Petherick, the new
company adopting the name of the Petherick Mining Company,
the Captain acting as agent for both companies. After a few
years, work on the Petherick was suspended. In 1873, the
company purchased the stamp-mill of the Indiana Company, and
again resumed operations. Up to this time, their rock had
been stamped at the Copper Falls Mill. In 1874, they shipped
167,976 pounds of mineral, yielding 141,199 pounds of ingot
The mill could only be ran a portion of the year, owing
to the insufficiency of water, and the expenses greatly
exceeded the income. The indebtedness increased so that, in
1877, the property was closed out at Sheriff's sale and
purchased by Mr. Delano, agent of the Phoenix, for some
Boston parties. The property not being redeemed, in 1880 a
new company was organized, called the Ash Bed Mining
Company, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, and the company
went to work on the plan of the Copper Falls Company. A
deep adit has been run in 2,700 feet to the Ash Bed, to cut
it 600 feet below the surface on the lay of the bed. A
stamp-mill is to be built below the mouth of the adit, and
water pumped from the lake. The old stamp-mill meanwhile was
repaired and set to work on the ore raised at the old
opening. The estate comprises 1,100 acres of land, on which
are twenty dwelling houses and some other buildings.
William P. Hunt, President; William C. Coffin, Secretary
and Treasurer; office, Boston, Mass.; Mr. M. A. Delano,
The Bluff Mining Company was
started in 1852, and did considerable work on the northwest
quarter of Section 15, Town 58, Range 29, but, after working
two or three years, abandoned it.
The Calumet Belt Mining Company
have1,800 acres, located between the Cliff and the Central
The amygdaloid and conglomerate belts extend two and a
half miles on the property. No mining has yet been done on
the location.
The Caton Mining Company's
property is located on Sections 20-29, Town 58, Range 31,
comprising 280 acres. The mine was opened in 1856 by S. W.
Hill, and was then called the Hill Mine. It was shortly
afterward sold to the Chicago Mining Company, and called the
Garden City Mine, Capt. Joseph Paull, Agent. Some time about
1868, Judge Caton came into possession of the property by
virtue of his mortgage. Capt. Gattis relieved Capt. Paull in
1859, and has remained since in charge of the property as
local agent. The stamp-mill was erected in 1858, and
supplied with twenty-eight patent rotary Gates' stamps. This
was the first use of these stamps. Over two hundred tons of
copper were taken out. The works were closed in 1861. In
1881, the property was sold to a Boston company, and
preparations are being made to unwater the mine preparatory
to commencing active mining.
The Central Mining Company is
working on the east half of Section 23, Town 58, Range 31,
and is situated between the Winthrop on the west and the
Northwestern on the east, about midway to the south between
Eagle Harbor and Eagle River, and is so well up on the bluff
that the greenstone formation passes east and west through
the north half of it at an elevation of 700 feet above the
lake. It is supplied with water from the East Branch of the
Eagle River, which runs at the foot of the bluff through the
The vein, a vertical fissure about twenty inches wide,
running at right angles with the formation, was first
discovered in 1854 by Mr. Slawson, agent of the Cliff Mine,
at a point about 600 feet to the south of the greenstone. An
ancient excavation was opened at the place of discovery by a
party of men under the charge of John Robinson, in which was
found a mass of pure copper, and a well-defined vein was
uncovered. Further opening of the mine disclosed the
existence of copper in unusual quantity.
Immediately after Slawson's discovery, before
explorations were made, the property was purchased by some
Lake Superior gentlemen and a company organized November 15,
1854, a Board of Directors, consisting of S. W. Rill, John
Slawson, A. A. Bennett, John Robinson and Waterman Palmer,
duly elected and an assessment of 10 cents a share voted to
be raised. In that month the first shaft was started
seventy feet north of the ancient pit, but water proving
troublesome, an adit was driven to secure drainage and the
shaft continued down fifty-three feet below it, disclosing
the existence of a large amount of copper. The buildings and
improvements of the Winthrop were secured, and A. A. Bennett
engaged as agent.
In the year succeeding the discovery of the vein, there
were taken from it eighty-four and one-half tons of mineral,
yielding 80 per cent of ingot copper. Up to July 1, 1855,
the expenditures and liabilities were, all told, $29,711.29,
which sum was exceeded by the value of the copper
$7,251.07—the first instance of a mine being opened on Lake
Superior which produced and sold during the first year's
operations enough copper to more than pay all the expenses
of the company.
Two shafts had been sunk and considerable drifting done.
Three houses and a horse-whim had been erected; the
controlling interest had, however, passed into the hands of
the owners of the Cliff, and, in July, 1856, C. G. Hussey,
Thomas M. Howe, James M. Cooper, John Slawson, Waterman
Palmer, William Bagley and A. A. Bennett were chosen as the
second Board of Directors. Dr. Hussey, President; Waterman
Palmer, Secretary and Treasurer. These gentlemen continued
to control the mine until 1859, when a majority of the stock
having been purchased in New York, a new Board of Directors
was elected, with Jordan L. Mott, President, and James M.
Mills, Secretary and Treasurer; office in New York.
The rental of the buildings of the Winthrop and the
buildings and the stamp-mill of the Northwestern had
heretofore afforded facilities to carry on the work at a
small expense for surface improvements, but, in 1860, the
Directors decided to build their own stamp-mill and to push
forward the mining work more vigorously. The mill was built
in 1861. The product that year was over 204 tons, of 79.1
per cent mineral. In 1862, the product increased to 242
tons, 764 pounds of refined copper.
Four shafts had been sunk, and, in 1863, an inclined
shaft for a double track was begun midway between No. 3 and
No. 4 Shafts, and carried down on the angle of inclination
of the greenstone. Besides, surface improvements were
rendered necessary, as they could no longer get the use of
the Northwestern property. In this work, $44, 000 was
expended and 7,000 acres of timber land purchased to obtain
the necessary timber for the mine.
The product this year was 805,545 pounds of mineral,
yielding 619,268 pounds of ingot. A dividend of $2.50 a
share was made from the earnings, and it has never since
failed to pay its annual dividends. A drawback was
encountered by a fire which destroyed its engine-house and
shaft-house, which occasioned considerable delay on account
of the scarcity of mechanics, but the work was kept going
and 207 men employed.
In 1864-65, No. 2 and 4 Shafts were straightened and
equipped and work steadily carried forward, notwithstanding
the previous high rate of copper had correspondingly
increased the wages, and it was found impossible to reduce
them at once to correspond with the reduction in the value
of the product.
In previous working, some extraordinary masses of copper
had been found, and, in 1866, the product was about equally
divided between stamp and mass copper, amounting to 876 tons
1,160 pounds of mineral, yielding 79.44 per cent of refined
copper. The stamp rock yielding 2 per cent of mineral. The
product continued about the same up to 1873.
The year previous, there were strikes among the miners,
which operated to their detriment, as well as of the mine
owners. While there were no overt acts of lawlessness, the
general unrest was detrimental to the interest of all
parties. Gov. Bagley promptly ordered the troops from
Detroit to the copper region, but they had no riots to
quell, as there were no overt acts beyond the power of the
local authorities to quell.
To that date the general expenditures had reached the sum
of $2,958,132.22; the total sales of copper were
$3,904,496.51. The total depth of shafts was 4,180 feet;
total length of levels, 22,979 feet.
In 1875, a powerful hoisting engine and two large winding
drums were put in, a new stone engine-house erected, and a
new engine for pumping and working the main engine shaft
was procured, and eighteen new dwellings erected.
Notwithstanding all this expenditure, a dividend of $5 a
share was declared.
The product for 1875, 1876, 1877 was respectively about
733½, 1,403 and 1,408½ tons of mineral, averaging over 71
per cent of refined copper. For 1878, 1879, 1880, it ranged
a little less than for the two years previous. The total
product for 1881 was 1,271 tons, 560 pounds, and, for the
first six months of 1882, 951 tons, 1,445 pounds.
In 1878 or 1879, the Madison Mine was sold at Sheriff's
sale and bought by the Central Company, but the property
was redeemed the next year.
They have introduced ten power-drills, and employ 200
men. Their shipping point is Eagle Harbor, where they have a
warehouse and dock. They have been running twenty-four heads
of stamp, but lately have increased the number. Employ in
the stamp-mill ten hands, and make about sixty tons a month.
Officers at the mine: Capt. James Dunstan, Agent; Samuel
Bennett, First Captain; Thomas Satterly and William Trethway,
Second Captains; H. C. Burns, Surface Captain; Allan Yowel,
Master Mechanic; John F. Robert, Mining Clerk.
To keep up with the latest improvements, a telephone was
erected in July, 1882, connecting them with Eagle Harbor and
the central office in Houghton. The Central Mine Post Office
was established about 1872.
Chicago Mining Company,
formerly the British American Mining Company, is located on
Sections 1 and 2, embracing 440 acres.
It was opened in 1856 by William Petherick, who explored
for a London company. Capt. Paull afterward made some
explorations with a few men, and drove a drift for a short
time on the vein under the direction of the Garden City
Mining Company. But little progress, however, was made until
1862, when Mr. Gattis was authorized to develop it, but only
worked it for a short time. One shaft had been sunk and
another one started when the company the London City
—suspended the work to devote their attention to the Garden
City Mine. It was afterward purchased by William Lill, Joel
Ellis and J. H. Gattis, and reorganized as the Chicago
Mining Company—William Lill, President; Joel Ellis,
Secretary and Treasurer, and J. H. Gattis, Resident
Superintendent and Director. Some masses have been taken
out, but no mill built. No work has been done on the
property since 1871.
The Cliff Mine.-The Cliff Mine
is the historic mine of Keweenaw County. It was discovered
in the greenstone bluff about three miles from the lake, by
a party of explorers under the direction of Mr. Cheny, in
1845, and is located in the southwest quarter of Section
36, Town 58 north, Range 32 west. On the upper surface of
the greenstone when first discovered it was narrow, and
gave little indication of the wealth it held in keeping.
It was geologically examined by Dr. Jackson and Mr.
Whitney, who, on finding it grew wider as they traced it
downward on the wall of the bluff, advised to uncover it at
the foot. Accordingly the debris of rocks was cleared away
and an adit was driven about seventy feet, when a mass of
copper, the first one found in place in the copper region,
was discovered. This exploded the theory that all the masses
found by the early explorers and voyageurs had been floated
over from Isle Royale, and demonstrated that they belonged
to the locality where found.
The Eagle River location was purchased of the Government
and other leases abandoned. About five thousand acres were
purchased for $11,600.
Prior to the discovery of the Cliff vein, articles of
agreement had been entered into by the gentlemen holding
the leases for the formation of a company. These parties
were H. G. Hussey, Dr. Avery, T. M. Howe and four others.
May 13, 1844, the association was formed as the Pittsburg &
Boston Mining Company, and was incorporated under that name,
by special act of the Legislature, approved March 18, 1848,
with a capital stock of $150,000, divided into 6,000 shares,
which were subsequently increased to 20,000 without
increasing the capital stock.
The Cliff vein is an amygdaloid trap in character, and
has proved from the start remarkably rich in mass copper,
while yielding from its amygdaloid beds some excellent rock
for stamping.
From 1846, when Dr. Avery took the decisive stand to
deepen the mine and placed the money with which it was to be
done at the disposal of the company, for the seven years
next ensuing sufficient copper was taken out to realize from
the sales a net sum of $1,328,406.83, from which $77 per
share had been paid—amounting to $462,000; while the entire
assessments which had been made amounted to only $110,000,
or $18.50 per share--over $4 for one invested. At the same
time the shares were worth $175 each on the Boston market.
The first dividend paid in the copper region was earned
by the Cliff Mine and paid in 1849, amounting to $60,000.
In 1854, while driving north in the seventh level, a mass
was found eighty feet in length and twenty feet in breadth,
and of such an enormous bulk that a sand blast of several
kegs of powder failed to stir it. This year, the company
raised on their farm thirty tons of hay and 3,000 bushels of
potatoes and turnips. They built a dock at Eagle River,
constructed a road to it from the mine and erected
warehouses at the mine and at the harbor. They also built a
stamp-mill and made other surface improvements.
About 70 per cent of the product was in masses, the
remainder about equally divided between stamp and barrel
work. Their smelting works were located in Pittsburgh. Its
success was unprecedented, and one of the most remarkable
features of this remarkable mine was, that all the rock
excavated more than paid the cost of getting it out.
In 1858, the shares were increased, as before stated, to
20,000, the market value of which were about $300. They also
set off 1,000 acres from the estate to form the North Cliff
Mining Company, and appropriated $50,000 to aid the
The capital stock of this new organization was divided
into 20,000 shares of $25 each. These were afterward
distributed pro rata to the stockholders of the Cliff.
Up to this time, there had been but little variation in
its annual product for several years, but thereafter
considerable anxiety was excited by an appreciable falling
off in the production.
In 1860, the company purchased the estate of 2,300 acres
with the mining plant of the North American Mining Company,
at a cost of $100,100. This mine adjoined the Cliff and had
been extensively worked on two veins, but without success.
It proved still less profitable to the purchasers, for
besides the purchase money they sunk all they employed in
The new North American—South Cliff—was opened on the
southerly prolongation of the Cliff vein, in the south range
as it is called, and, though it yielded some copper, was not
worked to any great profit.
After the Cliff Mine attained a depth of 1,200 feet, the
ground appeared gradually diminishing, and, in 1875, the
company decided to discontinue work after July of that year,
and sell the property as soon as a purchaser could be found.
The estate at that time embraced 11,435 acres, not including
that set off to the North Cliff, or the 1,100 acres of the
North American Mining Company's property.
In 1871, the property was sold to Marshall H. Simpson, of
New York, for $100,000, including all the lands in Keweenaw
County that the company owned except the North Cliff and
North American properties, and, in 1872, a reorganization
was made under the general laws of the State of Michigan,
under the title of the Cliff Copper Company, with a capital
stock of $500,000 in 20,000 shares. The mine was placed
under the management of Mr. O. A. Farwell, an experienced
mining man, in the spring of 1872, and large masses were
taken out after the mine had been unwatered. Mr. Farwell
continued in charge until his death, June 22, 1881, when Mr.
D. D. Brockway was appointed. Work had been nearly suspended
at the time of his death. The mine at that time was
considered worked out and was near being stripped and
abandoned, but finally Mr. Simpson decided to renew
explorations, since which time several levels have been
cleaned out and explorations made with the diamond drill,
but thus far without gratifying results.
From seventy-five to eighty men are employed. The total
product for 1880 was 147,204 pounds; for 1881, 50,209
pounds; and up to August, 1882, about thirty-eight thousand
three hundred and fifty-one pounds. In the years of its
yielding large productions, with the copper was taken out
considerable native silver. Of that which reached the
company it averaged in value from $1,500 a year to $5,300 in
one year.
The officers are M. H. Simpson, President; J. W. Blake,
Secretary. Office, No. 7 1/2 Beacon street, Boston; Agent,
D. D. Brockway.
Clark Mine.--This property
was located in 1854 by Prof. Regault, who afterward returned
to Paris and recommended it to parties there who made the
purchase. July 1, 1857, it was deeded to Ernest Theroulde &
Co. by Alonzo Simon Maurice, and work was commenced in 1869.
April 10, 1861, it was again deeded by Felix H. E.
Theroulde to Edward A. J. Estivant, the present owner. The
estate comprises the original Clark, Montreal and Bell
Two veins were opened with adits and three shafts sunk.
These were provided with engines for hoisting and pumping,
and a stamp-mill was erected and was put into operation in
the fall of 1874, producing sixty tons of copper in six
months. It was run by water taken from Lake Manganese, which
was carried through a fifteen-inch iron pipe a distance of
2,200 feet, affording sufficient power to run sixteen heads
of stamps.
There are a number of veins crossing the property which
extends north and south of the greenstone, and is thus
crossed by the ash bed and amygdaloid formations. One of the
shafts had been sunk 300 feet, and explorations made north
and south near the greenstone. Some masses were found of
five tons' weight, but there was too much dead work to be
A drift was then opened 600 feet distant, and about forty
tons of copper taken out.
After 1878, it was worked one year and a half on the east
vein at the foot of the conglomerate, when it gave out after
yielding about twenty-five tons of mineral. A shaft was also
worked in the ash bed, but, as it did not pay, it was given
up. The main vein of the Clark Mine was worked 2,000 feet,
and, in the winter of 1881-82, a cross cut was opened from
the adit of the old mine in the conglomerate.
Mr. Leon Lauvaux is the resident agent in charge of the
On the lands belonging to the Clark Mine is the Manganese
Mine, from which about one thousand two hundred tons of fine
grade peroxide of manganese was taken out from an open cut
seventy-five feet deep, between July and December, 1881,
with a little finish work in 1882. The dip of the vein
indicates that it extends under the Lake Manganese.
In June, 1881, it was leased to a Pittsburgh company, who
have given an option to the Cambria Iron Company.
Mr. Lauvaux is also the representative of various
properties belonging to Philadelphia parties, as: The
Amygdaloid, to the West of the conglomerate; the Resolute
Mine in Section 18, Town 58, Range 29; the Empire (Copper
Company) Mine in Sections 11, 12, Town 58, Range 28; the
Girard Mine in Section 15, Town 58, Range 28; and of the
Vulcan property in Sections 7, 17 and 18, Town 58, Range 27,
making about twenty-five thousand acres of land. The
Secretary and Treasurer of these companies is Mr. M. H.
Hoffman, 333 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
Mr. Lauvaux also represents the Aetna Mine, of which Mr.
Barnes A. Hoopes, at 34 Walnut street, Philadelphia, is
Secretary and Treasurer.
None of these mines are now working, except, possibly,
the Manganese.
The Conglomerate Mining Company
has been constructed out of the lands which had formerly
been set off to the Northwest, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Mendota, New Jersey, Maryland and Wyoming Companies,
comprising an estate of 20,000 acres, giving them control of
the veins and lands from the mines to and around Lac La
Belle. The organization was effected in October, 1880, to
be in effect on and after January 1, 1881. The shares were
placed at 100,000 and 50,000 shares were paid to the
Delaware for its entire property, personal and real. The
remaining shares were all subscribed for and $2.50 per share
paid in.
When Capt. A. P. Thomas took charge of the Delaware in
1876, he found things in a bad shape. The mine is now
working in the conglomerate belt, and the company, by
availing themselves of the old opening of the Northwest
Mine, and running levels to the new, have opened the mine
very rapidly. During the year 1881, it produced 260 tons of
copper, and at the present rate of production, will yield,
for 1882, 700 tons.
The new organization have also made extensive surface
improvements, expending, in 1881, $360,000, and the works
entered upon in 1882, which will include the erection of a
new stamp-mill at Lac La Belle, docks and other necessary
improvements, with seven miles of railroad from the mine to
the lake, will call for a like expenditure this year.
The new mill is being built on the latest improved plans,
with three of the larger size Ball stamps, with a capacity
for crushing 600 tons of rock a day. It will be supplied
with Cullom washers and Evans' stone tables.
They have in use at the mine two 300-horse-power Rand
compressors, equal to running fifty three-inch power drills
and doing the work of 800 men. The work of mining, as
drilling, hoisting and hammers, are all operated by steam.
The principal shaft, No. 2, is now down 760 feet, and the
work has been accomplished in less than eighteen months, and
the shaft fully equipped. The engine, machinery and piping
for air compressors cost $60,000.
The rock-house is built so that the rock can be run in at
the top, where it is brought by a locomotive run on a Y
track from the shaft-house, and is handled with great
facility. The rock-house is supplied with one large and five
small Blake crushers and one belt hammer. The rock, after
being crushed, is run on a gravity road to the present
stamp-mill, and the copper hauled from there to Eagle Harbor
by teams. Hansom Holmbo, foreman of rock-house.
In June, 1882, in twenty-eight days, 4,125 tons of rock
were stamped, yielding eighty tons of 78 to 80 per cent
mineral. They have thirty Cullom washers, five Evans' stone
tables and are working forty-eight heads of Gates' stamps,
with a fall of sixteen inches. The mill was built in 1862.
Its gives employment to thirteen men and eight boys. John
Dougherty, foreman copper-washer.
The total number of men employed in the mine and on the
surface is about 500.
Capt. Alexander P. Thomas, Superintendent; James Hoatson,
Mining Captain; James B. Robert, Clerk; John H. Griggs,
Master Mechanic. Henry C. Davis, President; Charles M.
Foulke, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia.
The Connecticut worked a vein
for several years like the Eagle Harbor Company. In 1864,
the property was divided into three half-mile strips, and an
attempt was made to organize three working companies. They
were denominated Sussex, Middlesex and Essex-the latter the
east division next to the Amygdaloid, the Madison lying on
the west. The company was the original proprietor of the
village of Eagle Harbor. W. Hart Smith, Secretary and
Treasurer, No. 4 Exchange Court, New York.
The Copper Falls Mining Company
was originally a cotemporary of the Northwestern, and
working on the same vein. It takes its name from the falls
in the creek in whose bed the vein was first discovered.
From the top of the falls to the stream bed below, the vein
as seen to double in width, becoming eighteen inches wide at
the bottom and small masses of copper were found in the
stream below. By a little blasting and digging, considerable
copper was found. An adit was driven in on this vein and
four shafts, sunk in it. The vein yielded numerous small
masses of copper, and one was found at a depth of fifty feet
from the surface, weighing seven tons, the largest mass then
discovered on the lake. More than a ton of silver in its
native and combined states was taken out and sent to Paris.
During the first two years' operations, the four shafts
going from north to south were put down to a depth,
respectively, of 47,208,45 and 83 feet, while the adit had
been driven in a distance of 265 feet, and a winze had been
sunk sixty-six feet below the level of the adit, and all the
shafts had been connected by the proper levels. A good road
had been built from the mine to Eagle Harbor, distant two
and a half miles, some dwelling-houses built and a mining
plant secured.
This work had been done under the auspices of an
association formed October 16, 1845, and known as the
Copper Falls Company, who purchased from the Lake Superior
Company Government Lease No. 9, for the sum of $11,060.97.
It had originally been granted to David Henshaw by the War
Department, and embraced 4,261.5 acres of land, located on
Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and Fractional Sections 1, 2,
3 and 10, Town 58 north, Range 31 west, bounded on the north
by the lake, on the east by the Eagle Harbor property, on
the south by the Dana Winthrop and Northwestern Company's
lands and on the west by the lands of the Lake Superior
Company. On the south line the land rises to a height of
about seven hundred feet above the lake.
In 1848, a special charter was obtained with the members of
the association as incorporators, and a reorganization,
under the name of the Copper Falls Mining Company, effected,
the stock of the association being surrendered, and share
for share of the new company issued in its stead. John T.
Heard was chosen President, and Horatio Bigelow, Secretary;
office in Boston. Work was continued until 1850, but not
proving profitable, the agent was directed to discharge his
men and quit work.
After the suspension of work, Mr. Samuel W. Hill, who had
been connected with the geological survey of the Lake
Superior region from the first, was employed to make a
thorough examination of the property, and determine, as far
as possible, the most promising point for profitable mining.
Mr. Hill found six distinct transverse veins, which he named
Jacob's Creek vein, the Hill vein, Copper Falls vein, Old
Copper Falls vein, Child vein and No. 3—the latter the most
easterly one—and, in his subsequent working of the mine, a
longitudinal lode, which he denominated the Ash Bed, which
runs north 22 degrees west.
In June, 1851, Mr. Hill was engaged as Superintendent of the
mine, and work was extensively prosecuted. In accordance
with his previous recommendation, the work of opening the
Copper Falls vein, half a mile west of the old mine, was
commenced, the land cleared, some houses, shops and an
office erected. The Hill Mine was opened by a adit started
fifty feet above the lake, which it was intended to drive in
6,400, upon which seven shafts were to be sunk —No. 1 to be
2,320 feet from the mouth. The end of the adit to be 700
feet below the surface.
In prosecuting this work, Mr. Hill discovered an important metalliferous vein which had been extensively worked by the
ancient miners, as the markings of their numerous pits
revealed, some of which, near the Copper Falls Mine, on
being opened up, showed that they had been worked seventy
feet in length and thirty-seven feet in depth. Charcoal,
rotten wood, stone hammers, copper arrow-heads, and other
evidences were found in the bottom of the pits, of the
presence there, at some period in the shadowy past, long
anterior to the historic era, of workmen who came and
wrought and departed—whither, who can tell?
On account of the magnitude of the undertaking in opening up
the Hill vein, it was deemed advisable to extend the working
limits farther south, and accordingly, a quarter section of
land was purchased for $8,000.
The product for 1852 was 12,651 pounds of refined copper;
for 1853, 91,737 pounds. During the latter year, four and a
half miles of wagon road had been graded to Eagle Harbor,
other companies joining in the work; twenty-seven
dwelling-houses, two boarding houses, office, shops,
engine-house, boiler-house, a stamp-mill, a saw-mill, etc.,
had been added to the surface improvements.
In 1854, the ground had been extensively opened up to
discover deposits of mass copper; but in this they were
disappointed. They had, however, opened up about 11,000
fathoms of ground for stoping, one-half of which was
considered sufficiently mineralized for working, but to make
it profitable it must be worked on an extensive scale. The
number of stamps were doubled, making forty-eight, but they
could not dispose of the amount of rock that was obtained.
Besides, they were not got into working order until near
the close of the summer of 1855. From a failure to realize
as they had expected, the company decided to stop further
extension and reduce expenses as far as possible. Mr. Hill
was succeeded by William Petherick as agent of the mine. The
product for 1854 was 144,269 pounds of ingot. Work which had
been previously done on the Owl Creek vein led to the belief
that it would prove very productive, and subsequent
operations have sustained the belief. The Hill Mine and
Copper Falls mines were let on tribute, and the operations
of the company were confined to this vein and the Ash Bed.
In 1855, the capital stock of the company having become
nearly exhausted by assessments, the company was
reorganized, with a capital stock of $500,000, in 20,000
shares. The ingot produced that year was about 169,639
pounds. The yield continued to increase from year to year,
and that of 1859 doubled upon the yield of the previous
In 1861, the company set of 1,200 acres on the west,
including the Copper Falls and Hill Mines, and a new
company, the Petherick-now the Ash Bed. The company had
previously expended $300,000 on these mines, and received 10
per cent on this amount for the property. In that year, one
head of Ball's stamp was introduced into the stamp-mill,
with satisfactory results.
In 1865, the adit had been driven on the Owl Creek vein
1,500 feet, and in sinking from it to the lower levels to
secure ventilation, a rich fissure vein was cut, which
greatly augmented the output, increasing the production to
over five hundred and thirty-eight tons of ingot copper in
1866, and to more than eleven hundred and twenty-eight tons
in 1867. This is the only mine north of the greenstone which
has ever paid dividends.
An accident occurred in 1874, causing the death of several
men, from the falling in of a large portion of the hanging
wall. In 1877, the company was re-organized, and the capital
stock increased to $1,000,000. The year following, the
stamp-mill was burned, when the company decided to open the
mine on a new plan. Up to this time, the total product had
been 6,754 tons 1,157 pounds of copper.
A deep adit, which had been commenced some years previous at
a point fifty feet above the lake, was driven in to the
Spencer shaft, and 1,500 feet farther south—a distance of
4,800 feet in all—and is laid with T rail track. It has a
descent of four inches in 100 feet, and intersects the shaft
about five hundred feet below the surface. The shaft is down
700 feet, but the principal work is done on the adit level
and above it in the ash bed.
A new mine is being opened to the east of the present
location, which, from present appearances, promises to be a
very productive mine.
The water of the adit is utilized in the stamps and
washers, with enough taken from Owl Creek to complete the
needed supply. The loaded cars are drawn to the mouth of
the tunnel by mules, and are thence hauled by machinery up
the incline into the rock house, where the rock is broken up
and dropped into the bins for stamping. The stamp-mill is
located half a mile north of the mine, at the mouth of the
adit. It was completed December 20, 1880; has two Ball's
stamps, twenty-eight Cullom washers, and three Evans'
slime-tables, one elevated above the other two, on which the
rock from the center of the other tables is washed over, and
the deposit from the center is again returned to the other
two. By this means the copper is more thoroughly separated,
and much of the flour copper, which would otherwise be lost,
is now saved.
A well-appointed machine shop has been built just east of
the stamp-mill, and connected with rail track with the mine.
A new warehouse and several good dwellings have also been
erected in the vicinity. Twenty-two men are employed in the
stamp-mill, and about one hundred and fifty tons of rock are
stamped daily, producing about thirty-five tons of mineral
per month. The copper is carried by teams to Eagle Harbor
and shipped to Detroit. George Fisher, Superintendent of the
Works; Henry Wilmers, Foreman Copper-Washer; Mr. Myers,
Superintendent of Rock House.
About two hundred men are employed on the surface and in the
The office is in Boston: David Nevins, Jr., President; John
Brooks, Secretary and Treasurer. At the mine: B. F. Emmerson,
Agent; William Ludlow, Mining Captain; William Jacka is
reported to hold the position of Captain at present; and D.
W. Twohy, Assistant Clerk.
The Copper Harbor Mining Company is an organization whose
property is located on the east of the Star Mine. It is not
being worked.
The Delaware Mining Company was organized in 1863, and 720
acres from the west side of the estate were set off to it,
for which 4,000 shares of the Delaware Company were paid to
the Pennsylvania Company and divided among its stockholders.
These two companies operated largely, and expended nearly
$2,000,000 in mining improvements, while but little actual
mining was done, and in 1866 the properties were taken
possession of by the bondholders, and the mines placed in
charge of Mr. W. H. Spaulding as agent. Two years
thereafter, the bonds were purchased by Ed M. Davis, of
Philadelphia, who took possession of the property and
assumed personal control. In 1876, a new organization was
effected, consolidating both companies in one, and the
Delaware Copper Mining Company was formed.
Capt. A. P. Thomas, formerly of the Copper Falls Mine, was
placed in charge. After putting the shafts in order and
doing considerable work without encouraging results, Capt.
Thomas decided to reopen the old Stoughtenburgh Mine. A new
shaft house was built over the north shaft, and the
necessary machinery put in, a new boiler house, rock house,
and elevated trestle work for a railroad from the shaft to
the rock house, were built, and the levels opened up by east
and west drifts.
In making these explorations, discoveries were made in the
conglomerate belt that have determined the organization of a
new company, which will hereafter conduct their mining
operations upon the most magnificent scale, and, if money,
determination, and thorough and extensive mining can be made
to pay, the Conglomerate Mining Company are sure to win.
The Eagle Harbor Mining Company own a large tract of land,
some two miles long by one and a half wide, south of Eagle
Harbor. It embraces the property formerly owned by the Eagle
Harbor and Waterbury. Companies, who worked some of the
property, to a limited extent from 1850 to 1854, but without
The Eagle River Mining Company hold lands adjoining the
Phoenix, two and a half miles south from Eagle River. It is
held by Cleveland parties. A. H. Barney, President; Clinton
French, Secretary and Treasurer; Col. Charles Whittlesey,
The Fulton Mining Company hold 3,000 acres of the so-called
mineral lands, located on Sections 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, and
parts of 22 and 23, Township 57, Range 32. It was originally
called the Forsyth Mine, and was opened in 1847. In 1853,
the Fulton Mining Company commenced working the old location
on the southeast quarter of Section 33, and opened four
shafts, with an adit level on a fissure vein eighteen
inches wide. Between Shafts 3 and 4, several tons of copper
were found in small masses, and the vein yielded
considerable silver. They shipped, in 1853, 1,255 pounds of
refined copper. The Kearsage Conglomerate and Amygdaloid
both cross the northwestern portion of the property.
The Hanover was formed to work an old location on the west
half of Section 8, Township 58, Range 28. Two fissure veins
were opened, at the expense of $20,000, and the location
The Humboldt is also located on the ash bed, in Section 21,
Township 58, Range 31. Work was commenced in 1853, and
several veins explored, and $100,000 of assessments was
exhausted without avail.
The Providence, Home and Hope, holding contiguous locations
of 240 acres each, were organized in 1863-64, but did very
little mining work.
The Iron City Mining Company worked during the same period
as the Bluff Mining on Section 14, adjoining the Bluff. Two
shafts were sunk, 300 feet apart, and connected by levels.
They also sank several exploring shafts on Section 11. These
veins proved unproductive, and work was discontinued.
The Madison Mining Company was formed in 1859, by a
re-organization of the Summit Mining Company, which was
originally organized in 1852-53, owning Sections 19 and 30,
Township 58, Range 30. Work was commenced on two veins,
distant about two hundred feet. Additions were made to the
property until it comprised three sections of land. Work was
suspended in 1856; the company re-organized in 1859, and
work again commenced in 1863. Up to 1865, $140,000 had been
expended to get out five tons of 68 per cent copper. A
change of the local administration was made, and Capt. John
Uren was engaged as agent. He recommended to open the mine
on the east vein, below the twenty-fathoms level. The mine
was finally leased for one year to Capt. Uren, on tribute,
who took out, in 1866, about forty tons of mass copper. From
this time until 1876, it lay idle, when, the stockholders
refusing to pay an assessment to liquidate their
indebtedness, it was sold, in 1878, at Sheriff's sale, but
was redeemed by the company, and, in 1879, was again
re-organized, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, divided in
40,000 shares. In September, 1880, work was resumed, under
the direction of Capt. Joseph Snell, Agent, who has at
present only two men working at the mine. It needs capital
and push to develop its resources. Charles H. Ward, Boston,
Secretary and Treasurer.
The Meadow Mining Company was organized in 1853, under a
special charter. Explorations were made in 1851, and, a few
years after, some mining was done, and considerable copper
was taken from the ancient pits, abundant along the
transverse fissure veins which cross the property. It is
also crossed by the ash bed.
The Mendota Mining Company was a company which commenced
mining in the vicinity of Lac La Belle at an early day. The
location affords facilities of a very desirable character
for mining operations not generally found elsewhere. Here
are also found veins of black and gray copper sulphurates
and copper pyrites. Previous to 1850, the Lac La Belle
Company had driven in a tunnel 400 feet on an eighteen-inch
vein of sulphuret of copper, at the foot of the Bohemian
Mountain, that rises 864 feet above the beautiful little
lake which nestles so cozily near its base. A deep adit was
also driven in the same vein 1,000 feet. No further work was
done on the location until 1866, when the Mendota Mining
Company took up the work and did 308 feet of sinking and 740
feet of drifting. The locations of the veins on which work
was done were Section 29, Town 58, Range 32, and Section 29,
Range 29. The Mendota Company owned 4,320 acres around Lac
La Belle. They expended $100,000 in 1866 in constructing a
ship canal from Lac La Belle to Bete Grise Bay, through
which large vessels could pass. They received for this, from
the United States Government, a grant of 100,000 acres of
land in Schoolcraft County.
Lac La Belle is about two and a half miles long, east and
west, and from one-half to one mile wide, north and south.
It lies on the line of Townships 57 and 58 north, Range 29
west; and the east end is about three-quarters of a mile
from the shore of Lake Superior, with which it is connected
with a tortuous channel. The waters of the lake are deep and
pure, and when once entered it becomes a safe and commodious
harbor for the largest vessels. The canal was a direct
channel cut due east and west between the lakes, and was so
far completed in the fall of 1866 as to allow vessels
drawing eleven and a half feet of water to enter. The
company was authorized to collect tolls at a rate fixed by
the county board of supervisors.
Following this, the village of Mendota was laid out and lots
sold to the amount of $13,600, and a few buildings erected.
The Pennsylvania and Delaware Companies expended $12,000 in
building a road to the lake, and $10,000 more in
constructing a dock and warehouse there. The Lac La Belle
smelting works invested some $43, 000 more in erecting works
at this place.
A railroad company was organized to build a line from the
Cliff Mine along the range to Lac La Belle, but on the
failure of the mining companies to furnish sufficient
product to make business for such a road, it was not
From a failure to complete the canal properly, and the want
of piers at Bete Grise Bay, the channel has filled with
sand, and must be dredged out before the lake can be used as
a shipping point or as a harbor. With the increased shipping
on Lake Superior, the need of a good harbor in this vicinity
is often severely felt, there being none now between Portage
Entry and Copper Harbor. Some of the appropriations of
Congress might be profitably applied here in the interests
of the commerce of the upper lakes.
The Medora Mining Company was another organization
controlled by the Pittsburgh & Boston Company. It was first
organized under a special charter in 1851; the property
comprising 320 acres of land, being the east half of Section
17, Town 58 north, Range 29 west, and is immediately south
of the greenstone.
The available funds of the company were exhausted in the
prosecution of unsuccessful work, and after a few years, the
stockholders failing to respond to the calls for further
assessments, the work came to a standstill. In 1860, the
assets f the company passed into the hands of the Pittsburgh
& Boston Company, who determined to prove further the value
of the property, and explorations were commenced under the
supervision of Mr. John Slawson, the agent of the Cliff
The mine had been sunk on a fissure vein, and was found to
have amygdaloid floors, similar to those in the Cliff Mine,
and with a view to determine their value he sunk two shafts
east and west of the lode, forty-seven feet apart, and
connected them with a drift, and what he believed was paying
ground was discovered, but work was not followed up.
In 1864, by transfers of stock and a reorganization of the
company, $20,000 was realized, and an assessment of $1 a
share was made, to which only a portion of the stockholders
responded. It was found necessary to raise a large sum to
put in a stamp mill before the ground could be thoroughly
tested. This the company decided not to do, and work was
The property is owned by Dr. Hussey and his associates. Its
officers were Thomas M. Howe, President; James M. Cooper,
Secretary and Treasurer.
The Northwestern Mining Company purchased of the old Lake
Superior Company 1,600 acres of land, located on Sections
24, 25, 26, 35 and 36, Town 58 north, Range 31 west, and the
organization of the Northwestern Mining Company was
effected, and work commenced, in 1845, south of the
greenstone, on a fissure vein on the west half of Section
24, under the direction of Mr. Slawson, agent of the Cliff
The proprietors were Messrs. Howe, Hussey, Cooper &
Moorhead, of Pittsburgh, and H. W. Walker, of Detroit-the
same gentlemen who controlled the Pittsburgh & Boston
Company. It was reorganized, in 1848, as the Northwestern
Mining Company of Detroit, with a capital stock of $300,
000, with the office in Pittsburgh.
The vein had been previously opened, showing a good width,
with a promise of being productive. Sixty men were employed,
an adit driven to the greenstone, a distance of 1,250 feet,
four shafts sunk, and considerable general work done. In
1852, a stamp-mill with twelve heads was put in, a hoisting
and machinery were supplied to No. 4 shaft. A saw-mill was
also erected to furnish the lumber for this and adjacent
mines. A pumping engine was also put in at an expense of
In October, 1852, the first shipment of 13,836 pounds of
mineral, which yielded 8,622 of refined copper. Of this
10,568 pounds were barrel work and 3,268 pounds mass copper.
In 1853, the yield was 61,165 pounds of mineral, giving a
return of 44,166 pounds ingot. In 1854, it yielded 77,375
pounds of stamp copper, 43,594 pounds of barrel work, and
ninety-nine masses=129,794 pounds-a total of 250,763 pounds.
That year 1,776 bushels of potatoes, 400 bushels of turnips
and twenty tons of hay were raised on the farm, and several
thousand feet of lumber produced. Twenty-four houses in all
were built upon the location.
With all its production, assessment after assessment was
made, until $228,000 of its capital stock had been
exhausted-only $72,000 still remained. After exploring to
strike the central vein, which was continued through this
property, and, finding its continuation unproductive, and
being unwilling to resort to still further assessments, the
company suspended operations in January, 1865, and the
buildings and surface improvements have fallen into decay,
representing Goldsmith's "deserted village."
The Native Copper Company, on Section 10, Town 58, Range 30,
adjoining the Delaware, worked a vein crossing the ash bed
in 1852, and, for awhile thereafter, in a limited way,
without success.
The New York & Michigan Mining Company opened a mine in
1846, on the southwest quarter Section 12, Town 58, Range
28, which was again worked in 1852-53. The mine was opened
to a depth of 150 feet on a vein twenty inches wide. They
shipped, in 1852, 1,800 pounds of. copper.
The North American Mining Company was organized under a
special charter in 1848, with a capital stock of $300,000,
divided into 6,000 shares. The charter was so amended in
1851 as to increase the shares to 10,000, without changing
the capital stock. The office was in Pittsburgh, Penn.
Thomas Bakewell, President; Waterman Palmer, Secretary and
The estate comprised 2,400 acres of land, and the original
mine was opened on the east half Section 2, Town 57, Range
32. A mine had been opened on this property in 1846, in a
fissure vein under the south bluff of the greenstone. The
vein has a bearing of fifty-eight degrees west, and is not
on the line of the Cliff and other productive lodes, and is
irregular and variable in width, and, though worked to a
depth of 415 feet, failed to be remunerative. Two hundred
thousand dollars was expended in four years, and 446,000
pounds of refined copper produced.
In 1852, work was transferred to the northeast quarter
Section 1, adjoining the Cliff on the south, where the
property is crossed by the Cliff vein.
In the first level, forty feet below the surface of the
rock, numerous masses of copper were found, one of which
weighed nearly two hundred tons, being forty feet long,
twenty feet wide and two feet thick-at this time the largest
mass of copper ever discovered. In this stope, in the first
level, 300 tons of copper were obtained, and the hopes of
the company were raised to the highest degree of
expectancy, which future operations failed to realize; for,
however so earnestly the work was prosecuted, no other like
deposits were found. As the levels were pushed south, the
ground grew poorer and failed to pay for working. A crisis
was reached in 1858. Their funds and capital stock had been
exhausted; they must find rich productive ground or stop
operations. At first it was thought to re-organize and raise
a fund on the stock of the new organization, but Capt. W. E.
Dickinson, the Superintendent, advised a discontinuance of
work, and that the mine be let on tribute, and all work on
company account was thereafter discontinued.
As we have before mentioned, the property was sold in 1860
to the old Cliff Company for $100,100. Explorations made by
the Cliff Company with the diamond drill failed to discover
profitable deposits, and, after it was abandoned by the
tributers, who paid to the company about $15,000 a year
tribute while working, the mine, all work ceased thereon.
The North Cliff, as we have seen, was an offshoot from the
Cliff. C. G. Hussey was its first President, and Thomas M.
Howe the first Secretary and Treasurer, with the office in
Pittsburgh, Penn. The organization was made for the purpose
of more rapidly developing the extensive tract of mineral
lands owned by the original Pittsburgh & Boston Company. Mr.
S. W. Hill, who had examined the property carefully,
reported favorably, and a consolidation was made with the Swanscott Mining Company, the North Cliff property was
conveyed to the Swanscott Company, and by a special act of
the Legislature the name was changed to the North Cliff
Mining Company. The majority of the stock in both companies
was held by the same parties.
Work was commenced that year and continued until 1861, when
the endowment fund had been exhausted without obtaining
profitable results, when the work came to a standstill. In
1863, the rise of copper stimulated to further exertion,
and an assessment of 50 cents a share was called in, and
work again commenced under the direction of Mr. James Watson
as Superintendent.
An open cut and adit 1,700 feet in length was made, and
driven to connect with an inclined shaft sunk in the ash bed
at the south end. Three hundred feet farther south, No. 4
Shaft was sunk 135 feet to the adit level; and 965 feet
north of this No. 3 Shaft was put down to the fourth level.
These, with short shafts, winzes, drifts and stopes, failed
to bring to light any rich deposits; the low grade rock
obtained at that time not being profitable to work with the
machinery at hand, the work was abandoned and the property
Later it has been sold for taxes, and the company have
allowed their title to become extinguished by the courts.
It is now owned by John Senter at Eagle River, and Mr. Hill
has been at work opening up a rich vein, which appears to be
a continuation of the old Cliff vein, with a view to having
the property again mined.
The Northwest Copper Company grew out of the Northwest
Copper Mining Association formed in 1847, which held 4,320
acres of land, comprising Sections 13, 14, 15, 24, and
Half-Sections 10, 11, 12, 23, 25 and Quarter-Section 26,
Town 58 north, Range 30 west, lying south of the greenstone.
The office was in Philadelphia: William Pettit, President,
and James G. Clark, Secretary and Treasurer. For two years,
limited mining operations were carried on, on Section 15,
when it was deemed best to effect an organization with
sufficient capital to prosecute the work with increased
Under a special charter granted March 9, 1849, the Northwest
Mining Company was organized, and, the 15th of May
following, the stock of the new company was substituted for
that of the old. Associated with the officers above named as
corporators in the new company were Horace Greeley, Oliver
Johnson, George H. Thompson and Charles Schaffer, all of New
York. The capital stock was $200,000, divided into 1,000
shares. James G. Clark was its first President and Horace
Greeley is said to have been its second President.
Three mines were opened on transverse fissure veins, south
of the greenstone, called the Stoughtenburgh, Hogan and
Kelley. The Stoughtenburgh vein was opened with four shafts
and an adit. Considerable work was done and quite a number
of masses were taken out, weighing from a few hundred pounds
to eleven tons. They were generally found outside the lode,
but adjacent to it and isolated from other deposits of
The lode had an average width of twelve inches, and, like
the Cliff, was crossed by a series of amygdaloid floors,
from which the most of the stamp rock was obtained. The
first stamp-mill was put up in 1849-50, and run by water,
but proving incapable of doing the work, another was put up
in 1852, and run by steam. It was the first mill of the kind
on the lake. The mine produced in ingot copper, in 1849,
34,322 pounds, 195,020 pounds in 1850, and 393,199 pounds in
1851, on which was realized, for the three years,
$94,819.83, while the expenditures for the same period. were
$172,183.96. An agent was sent to London to negotiate the
sale of the mine, but the English parties would not purchase
the entire interest, desiring the present owners to still
operate it, which they declined, and the negotiations came
to an end.
Being strongly urged by the agent, Mr. H. H. Beecher, to
increase their operations and facilities for stamping, in
1859 a new stamp-mill was erected on the bank of the
Montreal River, forty-eight head of Wayne stamps put in, a
double-track, gravity railroad 1,200 feet long built,
connecting the mill with the mine, which, having a grade of
ninety-four feet, enabled the descending loaded cars to draw
up the empty ones.
The company had laid out the village of Wyoming (now locally
called Hell Town) and sold the lots. Seventy-seven houses
were erected, and all that was needed to make a thriving
mining town was a productive dividend paying mine, by which
it was connected by common interests.
At the close of 1859, the capital stock was exhausted, the
excess of liabilities amounted to $130,000, the interest on
their bonds was unpaid and financial ruin stared them in the
face. A meeting of the stockholders was called and it was
resolved to rerganize under the general mining laws, with a
capital stock of $500,000, divided into 20,000 shares, the
Northwest to sell all its estate, personal and real, in
consideration of the new company assuming its liabilities,
and the Pennsylvania Company was formed.
The Phoenix Copper Company is the outgrowth of the old Lake
Superior Copper Company, one of the pioneer enterprises of
the copper region, the originators of which were among the
first to take out permits from the War Department, after
the extinguishment of the Indian title, in 1843. The
Trustees of this organization, which so early secured leases
of seven three-mile square locations in Keweenaw County,
were David Henshaw and Samuel Williams, of Boston; D. G.
Jones, of Detroit; and Col. Charles H. Gratiot, who had
recently been engaged in the lead mines of Missouri.
Dr. C. T. Jackson was employed to examine this location,
and reported several veins on the property, and, on his
recommendation, work was commenced in the east bank of Eagle
River, near the center of the line between Sections 19 and
30, Township 58 north, Range 31 west, at first under his
direction, afterward under the direction of Col. Gratiot,
who was working fifteen men. In August, 1845, a stamp-mill,
which had been purchased at Detroit, was put into operation.
This was the first stamp-mill on Lake Superior, and, as is
usual in first attempts, before the real necessities in the
case are understood, it proved unsuccessful. This proved a
serious drawback to the operations, although work was
prosecuted with vigor, and, in 1845-46, an estimated product
of 550 tons of mineral was taken out.
The main shaft had been sunk on a pocket of copper and
silver, which was soon exhausted, and, in an effort to
recover the vein, a tunnel was run under the river, at a
depth of ninety feet from the top of the shaft, in which a
crevice, filled with gravel and accumulations that showed
the evident action of water, and, in a deeper hole, made by
the current of this old stream, mingled with other deposits,
were found about eighteen thousand pounds of copper, and an
amount of silver-how much of the latter was never known, as
it was largely appropriated by the miners; one piece,
however, weighing eight and two-thirds pounds—one of the
largest ever discovered in the copper region—came into the
possession of the company, and is now in possession of the
Philadelphia mint.
During the year 1846, a shaft was sunk about ninety feet in
the vein found in this ancient stream-bed, which completed
the work at this point. Mr. C. C. Douglas, the agent, and
the men who were suspected of appropriating the silver, were
discharged, and a Mr. Coryell appointed as agent, who, after
the failure of a Mr. Taylor, of Detroit, to erect a
stamp-mill that would do the work required, being the second
attempt in that direction already made, changed his base to
the south of the greenstone, stimulated thereto by the great
success of the Cliff.
The original estate comprised about forty thousand acres.
This was reduced by the sale of 5,500 acres, on which they
realized $33, 000, renewing the lease on the balance for
three years, not having the funds to purchase it at the
$2.50 per acre, as, by a late law of Congress, they were
permitted to do.
After expending $105,833.40, they resolved to sell out to a
new organization, and the entire assets of the Lake Superior
Copper Company were turned over to the Phoenix Copper
Company, which had been organized for that purpose under a
special charter, March 16, 1849, with a capital stock of
$300,000. The shares were placed at $100 each, but in 1851
the charter was amended, making the shares $30 each. The
incorporators were Joseph W. Ward, Richard Pitts and
Benjamin Graves. The Board of Directors were A. W. Spencer,
J. W. W ard, Mark Healy, B. W. Balch, all of Boston; Simon
Mandlebaum, of Eagle River; A. W. Spencer, President;
Horatio Bigelow, Secretary and Treasurer.
No less than five distinct veins were known to exist on the
property, but of their practical value, or what other veins
might exist, but little was known. The five veins were
called, respectively, Phoenix, East Phoenix, Armstrong and
Ward, in Section 19; and the Robbins Vein, south of the
From 1850 to 1853, the work was in charge of Simon
Mandlebaum as agent. In work done in some ancient pits in
the New Phoenix, at a depth of ten feet, 1,200 pounds of
copper were taken out, and, in driving a 900-foot adit on
the vein, a mass of copper weighing 2,390 pounds was
obtained. In 1851, thirteen tons of 60 per cent copper were
During these years, no persistent work was done in any one
locality; shafts were sunk to a depth of forty, fifty or
seventy-five feet, a little drifting done, and then
abandoned. Adits were carried indiscriminately from 150 to
900 feet in places, and then abandoned.
In June, 1853, the work was placed in charge of Mr. S. W.
Hill, who was instructed to examine the property, which then
consisted of 1,701 acres, geologically, and to determine the
most favorable points for operations.
In 1855, work was commenced on the ash bed, and the product,
for three years, was raised from 10,847 pounds to 65,800
pounds. As there was not sufficient water at that point in
Eagle River to run the necessary number of stamps to make
the work profitable, a steam engine-the heaviest then on the
lake—was put in, and a new stamp-mill, with forty-eight
heads of Wagner's stamps, was erected, and twenty-five to
thirty tons of refined copper was yearly produced.
In 1863, work was commenced on the Phoenix and Robbins
Vein, south of the greenstone. In 1865, the capital stock
had been exhausted by assessments, and it became necessary
to reorganize, in order to make more demands for funds to
prosecute the work. That year, 244,158 pounds of ingot
copper were produced, which sold at an average of 29 1/2
cents per pound. In 1866-67, the vein pinched in, and the
product only reached 130 tons ingot. In 1869, it again
widened, and yielded 400 tons, increasing, in 1870, to 500
tons ingot, and, in 1871, 1,310,350 refined copper.
In 1872, Frank G. White was appointed agent. The product
that year was 728,359 pounds refined copper, which sold at
34.71 cents per pound. The total assessments up to this time
had been $817,500.
In 1873, a large amount of sinking and drifting was done,
but the product only reached 521,081 pounds of refined
copper. An explosion of dualine killed Capt. John Hoatson
and five men. Capt. Ed Parnell succeeded as Mining Captain.
In 1874, a surplus of $25,000 above the working expenses
was earned. An inclined shaft was sunk on the Robbins Vein,
1,300 feet on the incline; a new engine, hoisting machinery
and shaft house added; 1,398,440 pounds of refined copper
were produced.
In 1875, besides the 960 tons of copper, there was also
obtained 4,732 ounces of silver. A profit of $75,000 was
made that year; and the year following, more ground was
opened, and a surplus of $107,186 was earned, from which a
dividend of $1 per share was paid-its first and only
The company now owns 2,477 acres, and are arranging to work
on the ash bed, where an adit ninety feet above the lake is
being sunk 2,300 feet to intersect an old shaft at the
second level, 150 feet below the surface. A stamp-mill will
be built on the north for the use of this mine.
In 1882, they added to the old mining plant a Norwalk
compressor and five Rand drills. The vein has improved in
character, and the production of copper is increasing. In
order to get out the masses and stamp rock, they are,
however, obliged to raise about four pounds of rock to get
one pound for the stamp-mill. They are stamping about one
thousand tons a month, and raising daily from 150 to 175
tons of rock. The production is mostly mass copper. The
production for 1882 will approximate 500 tons. One mass of
some 22,000 to 23,000 pounds was cut up and shipped at Eagle
River the last of July. The mineral raised averages 76 per
They are now working at a depth of 1,200 feet; the longest
level is 1,400 feet; the bottom level is 500 feet, and still
extending in both directions.
The product for 1880 was 290 tons ingot; for 1881, 303 1/2
tons; and for six months in 1882, was 165 tons 185 pounds,
with a fair prospect of reaching to 450 or 500 tons this
Mr. M. A. Delano, who so ably succeeded Mr. White some eight
years since, is local agent. William P. Hunt, President;
William C. Coffin, Secretary—office, No. 8 Olive street,
Boston; and Richard Bawden, Mining Captain. The capital is
divided into 40,000 shares of $25 each.
The Pittsburgh & Boston Company
obtained early a lease of three square miles of a Mr.
Raymond, which included Copper Harbor. Work was commenced
by these gentlemen in 1814 on Hogg's Point under the
direction of Charles Avery, the President of the
Association, John Hays, agent. This was the first mining
shaft sunk on the lake, and some bowlders only were found.
This work was soon abandoned, and operations commenced on
the vein on the opposite side of the harbor, near the site
of old Fort Wilkins, where a deposit of black oxide of
copper was found. This deposit was discovered December 5,
1844. Two shafts were sunk about 100 feet apart, and about
forty tons of the metal were obtained and sold for $4, 500.
The main shaft was carried down a distance of 120 feet and
levels driven each way on the vein without finding any more
ore, and the mine was abandoned. It is probable, however,
that some day the diamond drill, or its competitor, will
reveal in that vicinity a large body of rich mineral
Pennsylvania Mining Company was
formed in November, 1861, with the office in Philadelphia;
Joseph G. Henszey, President; S. M. Day, Secretary and
The lands comprised 2,880 acres of mineral land, to which
was shortly added by purchase 6,000 acres of timber land.
Mr. S. W. Hill was engaged as agent, and mines were on what
was called Eagle vein, Branch vein and the Trotter vein,
and the underground workings were made to conform with those
of the Cliff and Central.
A new stamp-mill was built, the largest then on the lake,
and furnished with the most approved appliances. A saw mill
and other buildings were erected, a road built to Lac La
Belle, new engines put in, and other surface improvements
to the extent of $126,000 in all, and no copper had been
The Seneca Mining Company owned
3,240 acres of land at the southern extremity of the
greenstone ridge, near the south line of Keweenaw County,
embracing Sections 20, 21, half of 22 and 23, and Sections
28, 29 and 32, Town 57, Range 32.
Some work was done on the northeast quarter of Section 32
about 1866 or 1867, in the Kearsarge conglomerate, lying
south of the Calumet conglomerate, and between it and the
Kearsarge amygdaloid, near the head-waters of the Trap
River. In 1880, work was renewed under the direction of
Capt. Daniels, agent of the Osceola Mining Company, with a
view to thoroughly testing the lode.
In March, 1880, it was decided to organize a new company,
and 800 acres were set off from the Seneca estate, and the
Ahmuk Company was organized, with Joseph W. Clark,
President; A. S. Bigelow, Secretary and Treasurer. Office,
198 Devonshire street, Boston.
The St. Clair Mining Company
owns 138 acres adjoining the Phoenix on the west and the
Eagle River Company on the east. The mine is opened on a
fissure vein about ten inches wide. The shafts are sunk on
the southern slope of the greenstone, and the rock is
trammed to the stamp mill at the foot of the bluff.
The company was originally formed in 1863 and the mine was
worked to the depth of 300 feet. In 1872, the stamp-mill was
built with twelve heads of stamps. During the panic about
that time, work was suspended and the property went into the
hands of the creditors, who held it until 1879-80, when they
organized a new company, with $1,000,000 capital, and
assessed 37 cents a share to commence work. Twenty-five men
are now employed working on the fourth level, producing from
seventy-five to a hundred tons of mineral a year. It is
being worked in a small way for development. The capital
stock is $1,000,000, divided into 40,000 shares. Officers—J.
H. Tuttle, President; John Brooks, Secretary and Treasurer;
M. A. Delano, Agent; James D. Stevens, Mining Captain.
The Star Mining Company is one
of the oldest companies located on the Point that still
preserves its organization. It is located on the east half
of Section 9, Town 58, Range 28, and was opened in 1851 on a
fissure vein south of the greenstone. Two shafts were sunk
and work continued until 1857. No. 1 Shaft was put down 300
feet and $70,000 expended. It was re-opened in 1864, and a
small amount of copper taken out.
The Winthrop, adjoining the Central on the west, expended
$90,000 in 1852 without any very encouraging result. They
operated on a fissure on the southwest quarter Section 23,
and west half Section 26, Town 58, Range 30.