Military Records of Keweenaw Co.
- List of
Officers at Michilimackinac and Fort Mackinac
serving from 1742 to 1782 French British and United
States listings
- Revolutionary War 1775-1783
- 1796 - 1802 Muster Rolls Fort Mackinac
- War of 1812 - Mackinac - Canada and USA
- Civil War 1861-1865
- Indian War Campaigns
- 1871 Korean Campaign
- War with Spain 1898 (Spanish American War)
- Philippine Insurrection 1899-1901
- China Relief Expedition (Boxer Rebellion)
- Action Against Outlaws--Philippines 1911
- Mexican Campaign (Vera Cruz) Punitive 1916
- Haiti 1915
- Dominican Campaign
- World War I 1914-1918
Doings of Battery B - no listings
Soldiers of the Great War Volume 2 - Have ordered
book need transcribers, please for all Michigan
soldiers killed during the war.
- Haiti Campaign 1919-1920
- Second Nicaraguan Campaign
- World War II
- Korean War
- Vietnam
- Somalia
- Iraq